Now is a great time to find ways to save on your utility bills. With prices going up, we all need to stretch every dollar as far as it can go… and you’ll be making a positive impact for the environment at the same time.Cover Window GlassWhen our Okanagan summer hits,...
Thinking of Updating Your Shower?
Are you looking for an affordable way to spruce up your guest ensuite? Or maybe the master bathroom in your house is long overdue for an updated look after many years of family service?We offer a wealth of information about shower enclosures. With a new shower base...
The Trend in Window Blinds
Your windows are a special home feature that brings summer joy inside. But to keep rooms cool this summer, blinds are a great option. Let’s look your choices in blinds to provide your home with a fresh new look this year.Vertical ShadesThe look when replacing older,...
It’s Time to Get Rid of Windshield Cracks
Have you put up with months of ugly windshield cracks? Do you worry you might receive a ticket for the condition of your windshield?At Trademark Glassworks, we understand. We are windshield repair experts. If you need a quick repair to remove a rock chip, or if your...
5 Re-use Ideas for Your Old Windows
If your home renovation goals this year include installation of replacement, high-efficiency windows, you can make a change for the better in more than one way. You will enjoy energy efficiency and lower heating/air-conditioning bills, while reducing your home’s...
Removing Stubborn Stains from Your Shower Glass
We’re going to let you in on industry cleaning secrets for easy-to-mix, natural ingredient options for spotless bathroom glass surfaces!Hard water stains are unsightly on your bathroom shower doors and walls. Daily, soap, shampoo, and body oils circulate in your...
Enhancing Your Quality of Life with Door Screens
Before we know it, spring will be here and it’s time to think about screen doors. Will you be equipped to keep your house insect and pest free during our lazy summer days? Will you feel the joy of opening your home’s doors to catch a warm, spring breeze?Now is the...
The Benefits Of Insulated Glass
Do you have problems with windows fogging up from moisture? Or can you hear everything going on outside as if you were outside? Is it hard to maintain a consistent temperature inside your house? If so, it’s probably time to look into replacing your old windows with...
How to get your windshield repaired (or replaced)
Road hazards are a fact of life for drivers. Through no fault of your own someone’s tire may send a stone or other debris flying at your vehicle. Drivers in BC are very familiar with windshield damage! The damage may seem minimal (a small chip or crack), and you may...
Tips for painting fiberglass doors
Fiberglass doors are an excellent alternative to traditional wooden doors. Fiberglass is made up of extremely thin glass fibers, which is combined with special resins and other substances using advanced manufacturing technology. Fiberglass doors are extremely...